The 2010 Constitution established the structure of the Kenyan Government, which includes National and County Government. The three arms of National Government are the Executive, the Legislature, the Judiciary. The arms of Devolved Government are County Assemblies and County Executive Committees.

The Executive

This arm consists of the President, the Deputy President and the Cabinet. The President is the Head of State and Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Kenya Defense Forces and the chairperson of the National Security Council.

The Legislature

This arm consists of the National Assembly and the Senate. The National Assembly has 290 members elected from constituencies, 47 women representatives each elected from the counties and 12 members nominated to represent special interests: the youth, people with disabilities and workers. The other member of the National Assembly, in ex officio capacity, is the Speaker.

The Senate has 47 members each elected from a county, 16 women members nominated by political parties 2 members (a man and a woman) representing the youth, 2 members (a man and a woman) representing people with disabilities), and the Speaker who will be an ex officio member.

The Judiciary

The Judiciary is divided into Superior Courts and Subordinate Courts. The Superior Courts are: the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal and the High Court. The Supreme Court is the highest court in Kenya. The Subordinate Courts are: the Magistrates Courts, the Kadhi Courts, the Courts Martial and the Tribunals.

Devolved Government

The Country is divided into 47 Counties. Each county has County Executive headed by a County Governor elected directly by the people and; A county assembly elected with representatives from wards within the county.

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